Monday, March 21, 2011

30 Days of Lindsay- Day One

So I've seen some people doing this 30 Day photo challenge on Facebook and thought I would do it on my blog. So here is day one.

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with ten facts
1) I'm currently 29 years old
2) I love Audrey Hepburn movies
3) I am a wife and mother
4) I still have issues with acne. ugh.
5) I work as an Account Executive for Fiserv (a banking technology company) and have the best job a mom could ever ask for
6) I have a B.A. in Communications/Public Relations from Weber State University
7) I love to watch football and basketball
8) I love country music, but listen to all kinds
9) I love to go to live sporting events, concerts and theater
10) I love to plan and throw parties

So there you go, ten facts about me.
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1 comment:

Rachel said...

Pretty Princess! :)