Sunday, May 27, 2012

Downtown Photo Tour

Yesterday I did a walking photo tour with Shaun Stevenett. It was a great chance to learn more about my camera, play with the settings, and get some professional help and opinion on the shots I was taking. I definitely feel like I learned a lot and I am having a lot of fun playing around with my camera more. It's been a good creative outlet for me lately. So rather than post every single shot I decided to edit and keep (37 out of 235 total pictures taken!) I just made a collage...

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Recital Video

I was so nervous for Sasha that I went brain dead and totally forgot how to work video mode on my nice camera. Bad mom! But I had my cell phone handy and knew how to work it's not great, but here it is. So proud of my girl!!!  (She's the one on the end)

Second Dance Recital

Sassy had another dance recital today and SHE DID SO GOOD!!! Last time she got really nervous and ran off the stage. But not this time! As soon as I can figure out how to get the video off my phone (mom was a little nervous and couldn't remember how to work my fancy camera in video mode!) then I will link to it. But in the meantime, some super cute pictures...

Aunt Mandi putting the finishing touches on her makeup
This goofy little chipmunk smile she does...

With her AWESOME teacher Miss Lori before the show
These are pics of the pics her class had taken. So darn cute!

I have to admit that I'm not super thrilled with her costume...I think they are just slightly inappropriate for girls their age. But then again, what dance costume isn't, right? She still looks cute and I am so proud of her!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Cause I know you're just dying to know...

Blogs are a bit self-serving aren't they? They give us a chance to talk about whatever we want and pretend that there are a few people in the world that actually care, ha ha. Anyway, I stole this from my cousin Jaclyn's blog. Maybe tomorrow I will ask Miss Sassy Pants these questions and tell you what she has to say. That will probably be MUCH more interesting than what I have to say. :)

1- Were you named after anyone? Yes, after Lindsay Wagner, the Bionic Woman!

2- Do you like your handwriting? Most days, no
3- Favorite lunch meat? That's a toss up between ham and turkey.
4- If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Heck yes I would!
5- Do you use sarcasm a lot? Define a's basically the only other language I'm fluent in.
6- Do you still have your tonsils? Yes. Sadly I was deprived of that childhood experience of only getting to eat ice cream and jello every day for two weeks. No wonder I'm such a screwed up adult.
7- Would you bungee jump? There are a number of things I have done in the past few years that, ten years ago I would have told you to jump off a bridge before asking me to do them. So I can't say I would NEVER bungee jump, but it's not very likely.
8- What is your favorite cereal? Hmmmm, that really depends on the day, but the top faves are Honey Bunches of Oats, Honey Comb and Trix
9- Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Ummmm, high heels and cowboy boots don't generally have laces. But on the rare occasion you see me wearing tennis shoes, yes I do untie them before taking them off.
10- Do you think you are strong? Emotionally- yes. Physically- please! I couldn't outrun a sloth and its likely that a bat could cause me more physical harm than I could cause it.
11- What is your favorite ice cream? Oh, another question with so many answers! How about I tell you my favorite ice cream/frozen yogurt places...Orange Leaf and Cold Stone
12- What is the first thing you notice about people? I look at the eyes first
13- Red or pink? Usually Pink
14- What is the least favorite thing about yourself? I wish I was more patient, especially with Miss Sassy Pants.
15- Who do you miss the most? Sasha when she's with her dad
16- Is there a person, alive or dead, famous or not, that you would like to meet? I would want to meet my Grandpa Dick (my moms dad). He died when she was a little girl. Everything I hear about him is wonderful (of course it is, who says bad things about people that have passed on?) and I would like the chance to meet him and find out more about him, see what kinds of things we have in common.
17- If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Either black or pink
18- What is your favorite smell? Baked goods
19- Mountain hideaway or beach house? Beach house all the way.
20- What is your favorite sport to watch? Football
21- Scary movies or happy endings? Happy Endings
22- Summer or winter? See question # 19, I think that should explain it
23- Hugs or kisses? You can never go wrong with a hug
24- Strength training or cardio? See question # 10...I need both!
25- Favorite Sound? Sasha's laugh
26- What is the farthest you've been from home? Orlando, Florida
27- Do you have a special talent? I think I'm pretty good at planning parties and events of every kind. I absolutely love it when I can bring people together and they have a good time.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

That's 'tapas'....not topless

We celebrated more birthdays on my moms side of the family today and we decided to have a tapas party. Well when my mom told Rich about it he thought she said 'topless' instead of 'tapas'. Then she told Erik and he thought the same thing. Then we told Billy and HE thought the same thing. At that point we started pronouncing it 'tap-as' so it wouldn't be so confusing. Gosh, why do boys always have to make everything so dirty? ;)

Ironically it was right after a Weight Watchers meeting that I got on the phone with my mom and we came up with the menu. Let's just say I didn't track my points for tonight.

Pepperoni Pizza rollups
Chips and Salsa (salsa with and without cilantro)
Parmesan potatoes
Marinara, Ranch and sour cream dipping sauces
Bacon wrapped little smokey's...aka Every Fat Kid's Dream...or as I like to call them, heaven on a toothpick. (message me if you want the recipe. And believe WANT the recipe!)
Grilled zucchini with mozzarella
Pasta salad

We figured we needed to add something with at least a little nutritional value
Lemon and lime wedges for our drinks and a bit of festive flair

Such a delicious dinner! In case you're wondering, tapas is a European thing. In some places they go out from 4-6 and get tapas (basically appetizers) and mingle with friends and neighbors before going home with their families to have dinner around 8 pm. At least that's what my mom told us. I'm sure google could tell you more. Oh crap! I just realized I didn't take any pictures of the meatballs. They were delicious too!

Gracie, Grandma DeEtte and Violette
Banxton, Oliver and Grandpa Rich (Birthday boy #1)
Erik (Birthday boy # 2) and Banxton
Ashley, Ellie and Billy (Birthday boy #3...he was very excited about his Hollister gift bag, ha ha!)
We had a fun night, as always! Now, what to do for the next party?

Birthday Girl's Night!

Four of my friends celebrate their birthday in early May so we had to get everyone together for some fun! We went to Red Robin for dinner. We had to find a place that A) had decent food (because apparently refusing to eat at Denny's and Cracker Barrel makes me a food snob. Whatever.). B) was a place where we could be our funny, loud and obnoxious selves and wouldn't get kicked out. Red Robin it is!

The birthday girls: Truly, Yuni, Whitney & Ann
 Whitty and her Edward Cullen birthday card...

 My friend Jeni made the fabulous crowns for our birthday girls. They turned out so cute!
 Me & Ann...I love this girl, she is the sweetest person on earth!
 Whitney rocks! She never fails to make us all laugh so much our guts hurt. (Listen up lady, I WANT my baked potato and I want it NOW!)...yeah, you had to be there.

Happy birthday girls!

Some fun pics

What kind of mother would I be if I didn't buy a super cute outfit for my little girl on Easter then make her sit still while I curled her hair and freaked out for the next 20 minutes anytime she looked like she might even think about getting dirty until we left for Grandma's? A bad one. A very, very bad one!

These are just some fun little pics I took of Miss Sassy Pants before the Easter festivities started at my mom's. I have such a fun subject!
 I love her smile in this one!

 And I love her little attitude in this one. I think she was just goofing around and dancing or something. Clearly she was over me snapping pictures of her. But dang she is cute!

Egg Hunt #2

Yeah, yeah, so Easter was a month ago. You'll live. ;)

My mom planned a pretty awesome Easter egg hunt for us this year. She always has 'fabulous' prizes, some of which are cold hard cash (boy does she know how to get us all to show up for a party or what?). But this hunt was inside and out...totally awesome! (pics got a little out of order)

Phase one was at the bottom of the yard...
 This was after we had completed the outside hunt. (Top row: Cache, Ashley, Billy, Mom, Deseree', Ryan, Me. Bottom row: McKenzie, Ellie, Gracie, Violette, Banxton, Oliver, Penelepe & Sasha)
 Grandma Pat helped the kids frost cupcakes for everyone

 Okay so here's phase 2 of the outside hunt

 Gotta search high and low for my mom's eggs!
 Love this pic of Ryan and Penelepe!

 Ashley doing her happy dance, she got an egg with $10 in it!
 Grandpa Rich doling out the dollars (Sasha got $3, she was pretty happy!)
 Sasha showing off her fabulous prize of a hula hoop & baton

 The kids trying out the hoops
 But don't think they were the only ones having fun. Of course the "big kids" got in on the action too!