Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My (un) illicit affair with the garden boy

I hate to brag, but I have the hottest gardener in town: Josh spent the weekend with his dad and Christopher moving the garden and getting it ready to plant. It's going to be a good year!!! The garden was pushed up against our back fence but the trees in the yard behind us put too much shade on it and we didn't get enough sun. So they changed the angle of the garden and now we have a spot for a nice little back patio (that's the next project).
After three long, hard months of doing little more than sitting at a desk pushing papers around Josh was super excited to get out in the yard, work with his hands and get dirty.

And Sasha has yet another new trick! We were having lunch and I gave her a plastic cup to play with. She immediately grabbed it with both hands and put it right up to her mouth like she was taking a drink! Yes, I know the natural reaction for a baby her age is to put everything directly in their mouth, but she just looked so funny putting her mouth right up to it like she was really taking a drink! It was great! Let's just hope she doesn't get too attached to red plastic cups, we know what usually goes into those! :)

1 comment:

Paige said...

Yes. I do know what usually goes into those red plastic cups. Which is why I can never drink water out of them if I want to maintain my image. And YAY!!! for the garden.