Saturday, April 18, 2009

I won't be offended if you skip this one . . .

I love reading other people's blogs. It often spurs me to think of things I might not have thought about that day. A lot of times in life we think we aren't special. Well, I do anyway. I sometimes wonder "What am I really contributing to the world? Am I making a difference? How different would the world be if I wasn't here?" Then I walk into my daughter's bedroom, see her sleeping or playing with her toes and she looks up at me and smiles the biggest smile I have ever seen. Have you ever wanted to be the reason the room lights up when you walk into it? Have you ever wanted to be the absolute center of someone's universe? I am so lucky to say that I am, because I am a mother. I see now why God wants us to be mothers. There is so much joy and fulfillment in being a mother. There's been a piece, albeit small, that has been missing for a while and children fill that space. I also know that this space is able to be filled because it is the only piece of me that was missing. I am happy. I am whole. I am love and loved. Despite of, and because of its challenges, life is great.


Ryan, Natalie and kids said...

Well said...we're sort of on the same mom wave length right now :). I saw your blessing announcement at Amber's and she looks so cute and different than I last saw her. Anymore scrapbook nights you want to have so I can see her?

Munchy's Mama said...

Oh, that was so tender and so incredibly sweet. It almost brought tears to my eyes. Ya know, that other part that comes with being a mom, becoming a boob too!