Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Momnesia has set in!

So I'm a total dork and didn't realize I didn't put her stats in the last post. Oh well . . . here is the run-down:
8 lb 6 oz
21 inches long
Born at 8:21 pm, had to push for about two hours.

We just got home and everyone is doing great. Josh is glad to be able to sleep in his own bed, not that he'll get much sleep, but that's okay. Elvis and Priscilla seem to like her ok. I was a little nervous at how they would react but so far so good.

Thanks to everyone who came to see us at the hospital, it was great to have visitors. I never thought I could survive two days in the same room, but I did and I think it was the visitors that made the difference. But so glad to be back home now!

We have to go in on Friday to the doc for a jaundice check. She didn't get quite enough food in the first 24 hours so we think that is the problem. I think I was so stressed out about being able to breastfeed that we didn't do so well on making sure she was getting enough of anything. The milk still isn't in yet. I'm not worried, but seriously considering just doing the bottle, even if my milk does come in. It will be much easier on Josh when I go out of town, I think. In the hospital I was all for the boob and focusing on that, but I think I lost sight of what was most important. I'm probably going to spark a huge debate about which is better or if it really matters, but when it comes down to it- I'm a good mom. Period. If my kid gets breastmilk from a bottle, she'll be fine. If she gets formula from a bottle, she'll be fine. As long as she is eating and healthy I don't care where it comes from. I'm not going to stress myself out cause it doesn't do anyone any good. So that's that for my little rant.

Thanks for all the well-wishes! More pics coming soon!!!


staci said...

Congrats on making it home! Now the fun begins!! It is nice to be in your own bed and surroundings though, and not having nurses come in all the time and stuff.

About the whole breastfeeding vs. bottle/formula feeding issue - with both my kids I bottle/formula fed. I tried to breastfeed Tyler, but he was so big (8lbs. 13oz.) that I wasn't producing enough milk. So I had to supplement. Then the day my milk came, I thought I would be able to get more. So I pumped for about 20 minutes and only got 1 ounce. That was ridiculous!! I could clearly see the writing on the wall that it just wasn't going to work for me. So we bit the bullet and did the formula thing. With Brooke, I probably could have tried again, but didn't want the stress of already having 1 kid to take care of, plus a newborn and getting used to all the changes and what not. So I just didn't even go there with her. Anyway, my philosophy is, if it works for you, WONDERFUL. If not, WONDERFUL. You have to do whatever is best for YOU. The baby will be fine on the formula. She will get all the nutrients she needs from that. It is such a debate and I got a few lectures from nurses in the hospital with Tyler because I had chosen not to nurse him. It was so degrading. I felt like such a bad mom. But then I just had to realize I was doing what was best for ME and I was the one that was going to have to take care of him and if it was stressing me out to nurse him, then it wasn't going to work for either of us. So anyway, good luck with it. Seriously though, do what is best for YOU and don't worry about what everyone else says/does/feels.

Hope you're feeling good!! Good luck in the next few weeks with getting to know her and with all that comes with a newborn!! :) Post more pics too! She's gorgeous!!!

Team Box! said...

yay, congrats!!! she's so beautiful! She looks like josh, a beautiful josh lol!!!
We need to see eachother, with these new babes, their gonna be boyfriend and girlfriend:)
don't worry about the nursing, it takes about a week for your milk to come in and a good 2-3 weeks to get it flowing normally. Hey I nurse maybe 2-3 times a day, and all the others are pumped right into a bottle and its wonderful...he now gets a few bottles a day with formula too, I'm not a patient nurser, to me its don't feel pressure, its totally up to you and your sanity! congratulations guys, sasha is a darling name!

Marissa Vargason said...

Awe congrats again you guys and you are so right on the bottle boob debate I nursed 1 out of the 3 of my kids and they are all fine. Either way honestly I dont think people think about there family or lifestyle as well. If mom is stressed nursing then its really not a good environment anyways! You are a good mom and know exactly what choices to make, there is no right or wrong answer :D

Sowells said...

She is so darling! Penelepe said she was a cute baby. Oliver loves the pictures with her meditating. He says it looks like she is meditating and saying ummmmmm ummmmm ummmmm. And your right you will be a super great Mom no matter what you chose.

Steve and Whitney Mortenson said...

Don't feel bad if you don't want to breastfeed! It is completely YOUR decision! Don't let anyone make you feel guilty either!

My milk never came in, so I did not have a choice...and people STILL made me feel like I was a horrible mother and that I was depriving my child of the nutrients he needed. UM....once again...I DID NOT HAVE A CHOICE! I could breastfeed, but he would STARVE TO DEATH since there was nothing there! That was the only time I felt frustrated and actually cried! So I say...POO POO to them!

The formula is so good now-a-days. As long as she gets the colostrum (sp?) at the beginning right!?!? Jake did all formula and he is healthy and happy and HUGE! ha ha ha ha.....

And it TOTALLY is easier because Josh could take his turn waking up with her and you can feed her in public without people staring you down and getting offended! People are so lame! ha ha ha.....