Thursday, August 20, 2009

Project Runway

This is my #1 favorite show and it starts up again tonight!!!! I am so excited!

My #2 favorite show of the moment started last night, so it's been a good week. If it weren't for Project Runway moving to Lifetime, I would keep my TV permanently locked on Bravo. Oh well. I guess I have to give the remote something to do.
And to top it all off, I'm taking Friday and Monday off of work for a nice, relaxing four day weekend! I'll tell you all about it next week. It's going to be fabulous! It's okay to be jealous. ;)

1 comment:

Brad Hyde Family said...

Totally and completely jealous! I don't get weekends anymore because I work every Saturday. The life of the poor...Anyway I've never watched those shows, might have to check them out.